Verdensnyhed – vegansk rispapirs-bacon! Vi har opfundet en ny form for vegansk bacon, som er lækkert, knasende sprødt og stærkt vanedannende – og det bevarer endda sin sprødhed i flere dage, hvis du da ikke når at spise det hele før!
Dansk beskrivelse:
Hvis du ønsker Lækon, der er meget tynd og virkelig sprød – brug da én skive rispapir pr. Lækon-strimmel.
Hvis du ønsker Lækon, der er mest som bacon i tykkelse og sejhed – brug da to skiver rispapir pr. Lækon-strimmel.
Bemærk: Gærflager fra forskellige producenter kan smage og opføre sig meget forskelligt. Vi har indtil videre lavet opskriften med nedenstående typer med godt resultat;
Alle er glutenfrie og indeholder ikke hvedemel.
Vi vil løbende opdatere opskriften efterhånden som vi selv lærer om de andre gærflage-typer.
Vi opfandt rispapirsbacon fordi vi ønsker at at kunne tilbyde et alternativ til at (mis)bruge grise til bacon. Fordi, som vi siger; grise kan ikke li’ at blive til bacon. Desværre er der nu så mange kopi-opskrifter som ikke engang nævner at opskriftens ophavsland er Danmark. Opskriftens ophav betyder meget for os, fordi Danmark “producere” ca. 40 millioner grise hvert år. 30 millioner af dem overlever indtil de bliver slagtet som “børn” mens de 10 millioner dør som “babyer” af komplikationer af den intensive avl. Mange af dem dør pga. bacon. De bliver avlet, mishandlet på det groveste og aflivet skrigende ved kvælning. Deres værdi er udelukkende defineret af hvordan de smager i munden på et menneske. Det er så deprimerende og sørgeligt. Forhåbentlig, hvis nok mennesker nævner Danmark is forbindelsen med lækkert rispapirsbacon, vil en journalist måske begynde at grave i veganismens udbredelse i Danmark og fokusere på hvorfor en helt ny form for vegansk bacon blev opfundet i griseproduktions-Danmark. Lad os hjælpe grisene ved at tilbyde rispapirsbacon til ikke-veganere! Mange elsker det og vil gladeligt udskifte grisebacon med rispapirsbacon! Lad os sænke efterspørgslen på grisebacon sammen!
English description:
If you want Laekon that is really thin and crispy – then use one slice rice paper per Laekon-strip.
If you want Laekon that is most like bacon in thickness and chewyness – then use two slices of rice paper per Laekon-strip.
World news – vegan rice paper-bacon! We have invented a new type of vegan bacon which is delicious, crispy-crunchy and strongly addictive – it even stays crispy for several days, if you don’t eat it before then!
Note: Nutritional yeast from different producers can taste and act very differently. So far we have used these types with great result;
All are gluten free and does not contain wheat flour.
We will update the recipe as we learn about other types of nutritional yeast.
We invented rice paper bacon because we want to be able to offer an alternative to the (mis)use of pigs for bacon. Because, as we say; pigs don’t like becoming bacon. Unfortunately there are now so many copy recipes not even mentioning Denmark as the origin of the recipe. The origin of rice paper bacon matters to us, because Denmark “produces” around 40 million pigs every year. 30 million of them survives until they are slaughtered as “kids”, while the 10 million dies as “babies” because of complications from the intensive breeding. Many of them dies because of “bacon”. They are being bred, violently molested and destroyed screaming (by suffocation). Their worth is entirely defined by how they taste in the mouth of a human being. It’s so depressing and sad. Hopefully, if enough people mention Denmark in connection with the tasty rice paper bacon, some journalist might want to dig into the rise of veganism in Denmark and focus on why an entirely new form of vegan bacon was invented in pig producing Denmark. Let’s help the pigs by offering rice paper bacon to non-vegans! Many of them truly love it, and will gladly exchange pig bacon with rice paper bacon! Let’s lower the demand of pig bacon together!
Endnu en lækker opskrift af - for dig, for miljøet og for dyrene!
- 2 spsk rapsolie (2 tbsp taste neutral oil)
- 3 spsk sojasauce (3 tbsp soy sauce)
- 6 spsk gærflager (6 tbsp nutritional yeast)
- 0,5 tsk liquid smoke (1/2 tsp - liquid smoke)
- vand (water)
- rispapir (fresh spring roll rice paper)
Sådan gør du
- Bland en marinade ved at røre rapsolie, sojasauce, gærflager, liquid smoke og vand godt sammen i en skål eller et glas, hvor der er plads til, at du med din hånd kan komme ned til bunden. Tilføj vand lidt ad gangen, indtil marinaden er lind, men ikke tynd
Mix a marinade with rapeseed oil, soy sauce, nutritional yeast, liquid smoke and water in a small bowl with room enough for your hand to reach the bottom. Add water a little by little until the marinade is tender without being thin - Klip skiver i rispapiret i hvert andet "spor", som er trykt i papiret, så du får 5-6 aflange skiver pr. rispapir (de runde ender bruges ikke, da de ikke rigtigt ligner bacon). Hvis du ønsker helt tyndt og sprødt Lækon, skal du bruge én skive rispapir til hver Lækon-strimmel. Hvis du ønsker et mere tykt og sprødt/sejt resultat, skal du bruge to skiver rispapir til hver Lækon-strimmel
Use a pair of scissors and cut every second "track" of the paper, so you end up with 5-6 long strips (the rounded edges are not used since they don't really look like bacon). If you want really thin and crispy Laekon then use one slice of rice paper for each Laekon-strip. If you want a more thick and crispy/chewy result then use two slices of rice paper for each strip of Laekon - Hæld varmt (ikke kogende) vand i en bred skål/sauterpande
Pour hot (not boiling) water in a wide bowl or sauté frying pan - Lav én Lækon-strimmel ad gangen (af enten én eller to skiver rispapir - afhængig af hvor tykke Lækon-strimler du ønsker); nedsænk rispapiret i vandet og tag det op, så snart du kan mærke, at det er blødt nok til at blive foldet uden at knække. Det må ikke blive helt blødt, da det så ikke er til at arbejde med
Process one Laekon-strip at the time (using either one or two slices of rice paper - depending on how thick you want the Laekon); put the rice paper into the water and take it up again as soon as you feel that it is soft enough to fold without it breaking. Don't let it become too soft since it makes it impossible to work with - Tag strimlen op af vandet med den ene hånd, og pres forsigtigt vandet af strimlen med den anden hånd. Det forhindrer, at marinaden bliver for tynd undervejs og gør, at den sætter sig bedre fast på rispapiret. Det er især smart at gøre, hvis du bruger to lag rispapir pr. Lækon-strimmel, da vand imellem lagene gør, at der kommer luftbobler i strimlerne
Lift the strip out of the water with one hand and gently squeeze it free of water with the other hand. This prevents diluting the marinade and makes it stick better to the rice paper. This is especially good to do if you are using two layers of rice paper per Laekon-strip since water between the layers creates air bubbles in the strips - Hold for enden af strimlen og dyp den helt ned i marinaden og træk den op igen
Hold at the end of the strip, dip it all the way into the marinade and pull it up again - Placer strimlerne på en rist med bagepapir og bag dem i en forvarmet ovn ved 200 grader i 7 minutter - eller til de har den konsistens du ønsker.
Place the strips on a grill with parchment paper and heat them in the oven at 200 degrees (Celsius) for 7 minutes - or until they have the consistency you want. - Tag Lækon-strimlerne ud af ovnen og læg dem på en rist til afkøling.
Take the Laekon-strips out of the oven and place them on a cooling rack.
If you want an extra smoked taste you can add smoked paprika spice - but the recipe is tuned to taste perfect without! Server fx til det traditionelle frokostbord, i burgeren eller som snack.
Serve on the traditional scandinavian lunch table, in your burger or as a snack. The danish "spsk" is a tablespoon (15 ml).
The danish "tsk" is a teaspoon (5 ml).
Thank you so much for this. I shall give it a go.
Dear Sandra
Thanks for your comment!
Yes – please do! And please offer some Lækon to non-vegans – they might replace the bacon with Lækon at least some of the time when cooking! 🙂
Fedt fedt Fedt! Ej hvor godt 😊 glææder mig helt vildt til at prøve med rispapir, det lyder jo næsten for godt til at være sandt 😊Hvis jeg gerne vil undgå “flydende røg”, er der så noget andet jeg kan gøre? Fx bruge røget paprika?
Kære Amanda
Du kan SAGTENS bruge røget paprika – det fungerer faktisk rigtig godt til Lækon <3
Rigtig god aften til dig <3
ÅRH, det skal prøves…. Men er det bedst i ovn eller på pande?
Kære Rikke
Tak for din kommentar!
Du kan godt glæde dig til at prøve vores Lækon – og de er lækre, uanset om du laver dem i ovn eller på panden, så der er frit valg. På panden har du måske lidt mere kontrol over dem, da det pludselig går meget hurtigt i ovnen.
God fornøjelse 🙂
Jeg lavede disse i går på panden – det er det bedste “fake bacon” jeg har smagt!! Tak for opskriften.
Kære Eileen
Tak for din kommentar!
Vi er rigtig glade for at du kan li’ vores Lækon – og det er dejligt at blive bekræftet i at opskriften er god og realistisk 🙂 Alt godt herfra 🙂
Just made in oven; both single and double strips. Fantastic; genius
Hi Alexandra
Thanks for your comment. Glad to hear you like our recipe! We are also very proud to have invented this new way of making vegan bacon 🙂
Hvad hvis man ikke har liquid smoke? Hvad gør man så? :'(
OG hvor kan man købe liquid smoke?
Kære Anne-Cecilia
Tak for din kommentar! Du kan sagtens lave Lækon uden liquid smoke – så smager det bare ikke så røget – men det smager stadig godt 🙂 Du kan evt. bruge 1-2 tsk røget paprika i stedet – men smag dig frem når du laver marinaden. God fornøjelse 🙂
Amazing! Thank you for this recipe, watching it bubble in the oven was crazy and it came out delicious!
Dear S
We are glad you like the Lækon! Most people seem to like making them on the frying pan, but we like the oven method just as good 🙂
All the best from us in Denmark.
This is amazing! It’s the best stuff ever. My meat eating mother even loved it. I baked it and didn’t turn out well but was much better fried. Thanks so much for your recipe!!!
Dear Murmur
Thanks so much for your feedback – we are happy that you like the fried Laekon. We hope so much that your meat eating mother (and maybe others too) exchanges the bacon with Laekon – lets save some piggies! 🙂 😉
Cheers from Denmark.
Hvorfor putter man gærflager i?
Hej Maja
Gærflager er fantastiske. De kan bruges som 1) smagsfremhæver (ligesom salt), 2) umami, 3) ost. I den mængde, og kombination med de øvrige ingredienser, giver det umami til Lækon. Man kan ikke undlade den – eller jo det kan man jo godt, men så kommer det ikke til at smage af bacon 🙂
Jeg lavede dem igår med cashewsmør (cashew blendet længe), i stedet for gærflager og det smagte altså også virkelig godt af lækon ?
Så det kan lade sig gøre hvis man ikke lige har gærflager ?
Hvor køber i liquid smoke henne? 🙂
Kære Annika
Det er lidt forskelligt hvor det bliver solgt denne. Vi har selv købt vores i en alm. fakta, og det kan vi se at flere andre også har. Andre har fundet det i bl.a Føtex og Meny. Men spørg i dine lokale supermarkeder – det kaldes også røgaroma – ellers må du bestille det hjem fra nettet. Du kan også udskifte den 1/2 tsk liquid smoke med 1/2 – 1 tsk røget paprika eller helt undvære røgsmagen – Lækon smager stadig rigtigt lækkert uden “røg” 🙂
This recipe is fantastic!!! I love it and shared the link with all my friends. Meat-loving boyfriend:”Tastes like meat *surprised face*” Me: “I know right?!! *excited face*” Thank you!
Dear Rowena
We are so happy that you like our recipe – and that you’ve shared it with your meat-loving boyfriend! Thank you so much for doing a difference for our pink friends, the pigs 🙂
SO GOOD! I’ve made this before, but not this way, the original recipe. This simple recipe, to me, taste the most like bacon. I’ll experiment a bit – I’d like to make a black pepper version and a maple-flavored version – but this is absolutely delicious! I thank you, and the pigs thank you! :)1
Dear Liane
Thank you so much for your comment. We really worked a long time with the recipe to ensure that it was both simple and delicious – while at the same maximising the “bacon” taste. Thank you for trying it out. Please let us know how your experiments go – they sound really tasty! 🙂
Det skal helt klart prøves!! Har I erfaring med, om de bliver sprøde, hvis de ligger PÅ noget? Fx på en linsesteg i ovnen eller rundt om nogle bøffer? Eller dur det mon ikke?
Kære Line
Tak for din kommentar.
De bliver ikke sprøde hvis de ligger og kan suge fugt fra andet mad. Men det gør bacon jo heller ikke 🙂 Du kan sagtens lægge dem oven på mad under tilberedelsen, men det kræver du eksperimentere lidt med det. Vi har set mange vellykkede forsøg på at bruge det rundt om pølser, asparges, på pizza o.lign – så det er bare med at komme i gang 🙂
Hejsa, så er det min tur til at prøve, men jeg vil lige høre om ovnen skal stå på varmluft eller kun over- og undervarme?
takker alt dét, I gør for dyr og mennesker! (y)
Vh Mona.
Kære Mona
Mange tak for din kommentar og de søde ord!
Vi bruger altid varmluft 🙂 Rigtig god fornøjelse med det!
God aften <3
Jeg har lige lavet marinaden og lagt små stykker af tofu deri. De kommer på panen senere, sammen med masser af løg og skal serveres med karfoffelmos og syltede rødbeder. Var der nogen der sagde Brændende kærlighed ? 😀
Kære Line
Mange tak for din kommentar!
Det lyder superlækkert – prøv eventuelt vores opskrift på Brændende Særlighed næste gang 😀
Rigtig god aften til dig <3
This tasted beyond fantastic – I’ll try a taste test with some omni folk to see what they say. I love it!
One question, though: I cannot seem to cut the dry rice paper – it shatters. Any ideas why that is? Scissors not sharp enough, perhaps?
Do you have any suggestions for me? I tried putting the rice paper in water, and then cutting it – no go; it was “glue-y” and I still couldn’t cut through it. If you agree that my scissors aren’t sharp enough, I’ll go buy another pair just for this recipe – it’s that good!
Thank you, and as I spread the word about this fantastic Laekon I’ll send folks direct to your website for your recipe.
Dear Sharon
Thanks for your comment. We are so happy that you like Lækon 🙂
The easiest fix for brittle rice paper is just to put them in the fridge (the package should be open). It’s moist in there. Leave them for some hours, perhaps overnight – experiment with the duration. When you take them out, you can cut them with no problems at all 🙂
All the best.
Can it be saved in the fridge for a few days?
Thank you for the recipe, it’s excellent!
Dear Merav
Thanks so much for your comment – glad you like the recipe! 🙂
Yes – you can save it in the fridge. Just pack it in a plastic bag and seal the lækon completely (tie a knot so it’s airtight). It’ll stay crispy and delicious 🙂
Great! Thank you 🙂
Kan ikke finde liquid smoke , nogen steder..
kan man bruge, Barbecue sauce Full flavor smokey??
Kære Anna
Som udgangspunkt kan man jo bruge alle de saucer man vil, men hvis man vil have at det skal smage af bacon er det bedst blot at følge opskriften 🙂
Husk at du også kan bruge røget paprika hvis du ikke kan finde liquid smoke – og du kan også helt undvære liquid smoke… Det smager nemlig stadig godt, bare ikke røget!
what is liquid smoke? what brand do you use?
Liquid smoke is smoke trapped as a liquid 🙂 It may sound dangerous – but the liquid smoke is actually safer to eat in foods compared with smoking the food yourselves. This is due to the controlled process of producing the smoke and capturing it as a liquid.

Lækon was invented using the bottle on the right 🙂
As I sit here eating a BLAT (Bacon, Lettuce, Avocado, Tomato) sandwich, my mind is blown. Your Lækon is just absolute deliciousness. Congratulations on creating this incredible substitute. I’ve tried probably ever commercial fake bacon on the market, and they have all been less than satisfying. I’ve also tried portobello/shitake bacon, coconut bacon, etc. and they are pretty good. But this hits all the right spots – chewy, crunchy, salty, smokey, perfection.
I’m sorry that others are not giving you credit for being the first to use rice paper wrappers. It is genius!
Dear Alecia
THANK you so much for your sweet comment which made us very happy and proud even. It’s so nice to know that our Lækon “hits the spot” and this gives us such great motivation to continue inventing new and exciting recipes! We are also a bit sad that so many bloggers use their platform and network to claim that they’ve invented rice paper bacon – and honestly, we never thought people would do that. The worst about this kind of behavior is that it is extremely difficult for us to shape the news about rice paper bacon to focus on the horrible Danish pig industry – which was our inspiration and focus from the start. It’s really a shame that people don’t choose to support us, instead of ‘marketing’ rice paper bacon their own invention – because we could have created much more media attention for the pigs that way. At least we got one swedish paper to write an article about rice paper bacon and the horrible Danish pig industry – but imagine how much would have been possible if everyone pointed at us and would have let us explain the industry to the press 🙂 That was our dream. However, the lækon have still made a huge difference for many people (and therefore the demand for pigs bacon) around the world – and for that we are truely thankful 🙂
Thanks again for your sweet comment and happy, vegan hugs from us <3
Så fik jeg endelig prøvet jeres Lækon. Tusind tak for jeres ihærdighed! Det smager RIGTIG godt, og min kære mand, som spiser kød fra tid til anden, synes også at det er rigtig godt 🙂
Så endnu en gang tak til jer, og rigtig god weekend 🙂
Kære Jannie
1000 tak for de søde ord – det er vi bare rigtig glade for at høre!
Rigtig god aften til dig <3
We gave up pork long before going vegan because of my daughter’s love of pigs. I never really missed bacon, so it didn’t matter than the vegan options were mediocre at best. Then I found your recipe, and it was life changing! Thank you so much for taking the time to come up with this recipe, as well as sharing it. Your hard work is much appreciated!
Dear Naomi
How sweet is that, giving up pork because of your daughter! 🙂 We love the pink bundles of joy too and those feelings was our motivation for experimenting and figuring out a crisp, vegan DIY bacon 🙂 😉
Thank you so much for writing us – it really means a lot! 🙂
Hvordan har i beregner protein indholdet? Jeg har en datter der skal leve til dels vegansk, da hun ikke tåler protein. AL mad skal vejes, så for at jeg kan servere lækon for hende er jeg nødt til at veje det og beregne protein indholdet.
Kære Mia
Ernæringsfakta på vores opskrifter er udregnet ved at opsummere ingrediensernes ernæringsmæssige indhold og skal anses som værende vejledende.
Da der naturligt er protein alle uforarbejdede, vegetabilske fødevarer lyder det som noget af en opgave du har foran dig.
Held og lykke – og god bedring til din datter!
Hi can this be added to recipes, such as with lentils or would it just fall apart?
can’t wait to give this a go.
Hi Sonia
Thanks for your comment 🙂
You can freely add lækon – or rice paper bacon – to any recipe, however, Lækon is best in dry surroundings so I’m not a fan of it in dishes since the rice paper is crisp when it’s dry but gets sticky when getting moist. For example, if you add the lækon in it in a salad, that tends to be moist with the washed greens and dressing and such, I would use either Lækon-bits (Lækon-drys) or the delicious “Stegt Elsk” instead, since tofu that is fried dry does not get ‘soggy’ the same way rice paper based vegan bacon does.
Good luck! 🙂
Thank you for your reply, I thought that would be the case.
Unfortunately both of the other recipes you suggested aren’t in English. ?
You’re welcome! 🙂
Usually our recipes translate just fine with Google Translate 🙂 Try it out! 🙂
Thanks so much for this, I tried it straight away (missing out the yeast flakes as I didn’t have any so added garlic powder and onion salt instead (who knows why)) – The result was great – so much better than bought facon 🙂 Can’t wait to try it with the yeast flakes.
Dear Karen
Thank you so much for your comment!
We are so happy that you like it!
Best wishes from DK 🙂
Hej. Har lige prøvet lækon opskrift men og vellykket men for salt efter min smag .. skal der mindre soya i eller kan man tilføje noget der dæmper saltsmagen ?
Hej Lise
Tak for din kommentar 🙂
Salten i lækonopskriften kommer fra sojasaucen – så ja, prøv med mindre sojasauce. Du kan evt. erstatte med vand så mængden af marinade er uændret.
Prøv fx at lave en omgang med kun den halve mængde soja – og se hvad du synes om det 🙂